Sweater At Target Labeled ‘Deeply Offensive’ Target Responds: Get Over It

Reign, who was suffering from the real OCD at the time, was deeply offended by the phrase that she snapped a photo and shamed the US retailer for making fun of people with the psychological disorder.

She later shared a Tweet alongside the photo that went viral immediately receiving over a thousand retweets. The tweet read “I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t sell my mental illness as a fashion statement.”

Although the phrase on the merchandise has been used by many product designers — to describe those who love everything Christmas, and perhaps go overboard, the play on obsessive-compulsive disorder had some internet users enraged while others thought the message was neither offensive nor hurtful despite dealing with the disorder themselves.

Social media users with similar sentiments blasted the large US retail store for what they say was “picking fun at mental health.”

“I am annoyed we still live in a world where picking fun at mental health is okay,” a comment read.

“Why is trivializing a mental disorder so widely accepted?” another comment read.

But other internet users who claimed to have had OCD felt the rage against the store was unnecessary and defended the sale of the controversial sweatshirt.

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