Stabilized Strawberry Whipped Cream (2 Ways)

To add strawberry flavor to the whipped cream, there are two options. The first is using fresh, real strawberries. If you’re a baking and fruit purist, this is the way to go.

Add your strawberries to a food processor to puree them, then strain the puree to remove the seeds. The puree is then cooked over medium heat until it thickens and reduces a good bit. This not only enhances and strengthens the strawberry flavor, it also thickens the puree.

The fresh strawberry whipped cream is nice uniform pink color with a lovely strawberry flavor. I used it on this Red Wine Poke Cake and is was delightful!

Homemade Strawberry Whipped Cream piped into a cupcake wrapper

How to Make Homemade Strawberry Whipped Cream with Freeze Dried Strawberries

If you want to make whipped cream with freeze dried strawberries, the process is a little quicker. The only trick is to be able to find freeze dried strawberries. I often find them at my grocery store, but Target also usually has them. And of course there’s always Amazon.

Add the freeze dried strawberries to a food processor and grind them into a powder. I use about one cup of freeze dried berries and end up with about a quarter cup of powder.

The powder is added to the heavy whipping cream and powdered sugar and all whipped on high speed until you get a nice, fluffy strawberry whipped cream! Unlike the fresh strawberry whipped cream, this version shows little specks of strawberries throughout.

The flavor is VERY similar to the whipped cream made with fresh strawberries, but the look is a little different. This one is also a bit more stiff than the fresh one, simply because you are adding a powder, rather than a thickened liquid.

Homemade Strawberry Whipped Cream piped into a clear glass

How to Stabilize Your Homemade Strawberry Whipped Cream

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