Onion and garlic: store them this way for up to six months

So, where are the safest places to store garlic and onions? Here are some tips.

To preserve garlic and onions for a long time, without altering their aroma, you can simply store them in a cupboard or kitchen pantry. The important thing is that it is a cool, dark, ventilated and above all, dry place . In particular, in addition to the place where you store them, the container you choose is also important. For example , we do not recommend using plastic containers . It is preferable to put garlic and onions in special paper bags , or inside a basket . This way, the air will pass through quietly and no humidity will be created.

Thanks to this solution, you will be able to store garlic and onions for a long time. For at least six months these ingredients will be safe and you will be able to use them for the preparation of many recipes. By following these tips, storing garlic and onions will no longer be a problem. Try these remedies yourself and you will see excellent results. The taste and aroma of these ingredients will not be altered at all , they will always remain fresh and tasty, ready to embellish your recipes.

Remember that these are two very important ingredients that offer numerous health benefits. That is why we cannot do without garlic and onion.

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