Natural Remedies for Tonsillitis: Alleviate Throat Pain and Find Relief

Basil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making it a potent tool against infections.


1 tablespoon fresh basil leaves

1 tablespoon sage

1 tablespoon white rose petals

2 garlic cloves

1/2 cup honey

Each ingredient in this remedy offers unique healing properties that work together to combat tonsillitis effectively.

Basil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making it a potent tool against infections.

Sage has long been used as a traditional remedy for throat infections due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

White Rose Petals not only add beauty to the blend but also provide soothing effects to relieve throat irritation and inflammation.
Garlic is a well-known natural antibiotic and immune booster, helping to fight off various infections.

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