Learn How to Grow Avocados in Pots and Say Goodbye to Buying Them

How to Plant Avocado in a Pot?
Seed Preparation: Obtain an avocado seed, wash it thoroughly, and insert three toothpicks around it to create a support that can suspend it over a water-filled pot. This step allows the avocado roots to develop and strengthen to support the plant’s weight.
Sunlit Placement: Put the pot in a well-ventilated, sun-exposed area. Once the plant stem has grown to around 15 centimeters, cut it, leaving about 7 centimeters. This strengthens the stem, promotes root growth, and encourages new leaves.
Transplanting: Once the first leaves appear, transplant the plant into a pot. Remove the toothpicks and plant the seed in soil. Trim the leaves when the stem exceeds 15 centimeters, and cut any leaves surpassing 30 centimeters.

Technique for Avocado Tree to Bear Fruit
The tree will start growing, and the next step is to wait for it to bear fruit (which takes about 5 or 6 months). However, avocado trees don’t fruit easily and can take several years. A useful technique to expedite this process is grafting – make a lateral cut to encourage the growth of more stems.

Remember to water the avocado plant regularly for optimal growth. With these steps, you can enjoy a constant supply of home-grown avocados, waving goodbye to store-bought ones.


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