Using tongs (so you don’t burn yourself) carefully transfer brisket to slow cooker. It will be large so you will have to squish it in. Not all of it will be under the liquid.
Cover and cook on LOW for 8-10 hours until brisket is very tender, flipping over half way through cooking. If your brisket is tough, it just needs to cook longer.
Remove brisket to a foil lined baking sheet. Brush with barbecue sauce and broil 5-10 minutes, until slightly caramelized. Meanwhile, microwave or simmer remaining barbecue sauce until warmed through.
Brush brisket again with barbecue sauce and slice across the grain or chop if desired. Serve with remaining barbecue sauce plain or they make delicious sandwiches. (See side dish suggestions below recipe.)
MAKE AHEAD: I often will cook my brisket until tender then remove the removable ceramic insert and refrigerate the brisket in the juices. The next day, I skip off all the hardened fat then cook on LOW in the slow cooker for 1-2 hours until warmed through and proceed with recipe.

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