Homemade Raffaello Coconut Almond Treats

    1. Mix Ingredients:
        • In a large mixing bowl, mash the room-temperature butter with a fork until smooth.
        • Add the condensed milk and vanilla essence to the butter and mix well.
        • Incorporate 250 g of the coconut flakes into the mixture. Stir until the mixture is smooth and creamy. If it feels too stiff, adjust by adding an extra 2-3 tablespoons of condensed milk.


    2. Chill the Mixture:
      • Cover the bowl and place it in the refrigerator for 1 day to allow the mixture to firm up and the flavors to meld.


    1. Shape the Candies:
      • After chilling, remove the mixture from the refrigerator. Using a teaspoon as a measure, scoop and roll the mixture into small balls.
      • Insert an almond into the center of each ball, pressing the coconut mixture around it to secure it in place.


    1. Coat the Candies:
      • Roll each candy in the remaining 50 g of coconut flakes until well-coated.
      • Arrange the finished candies on a platter or place them in a decorative box.


  1. Storage:
    • Store the candies in the refrigerator to keep them firm. Serve them cold as they tend to melt at room temperature.

More Information:

These treats are perfect as a special homemade gift, a festive treat, or a luxurious snack to enjoy with your coffee or tea.

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