Chocolate Ripple Cake Recipe

Pick up a biscuit and spread 1 tablespoon of cream over the bottom, to cover. Place another biscuit on top and gently press to seal them together. Continue layering the biscuits and cream into stacks of 5-6 biscuits high, with cream in between each biscuit.
It’s ok if cream spills from the sides, as the entire cake will be covered in cream.

Place the biscuit stacks onto your prepared serving platter. Arrange them into 4 or 5 rows (resembling a rectangular log shape).
Use a spatula to spread the remaining cream over the top and sides of the biscuits, until completely covered. You shouldn’t be able to see any biscuits through the cream.

Cover the cake or add to an airtight container and refrigerate for 6-8 hours (or overnight) until set. See notes below on how to cover.
When you are ready to serve, decorate the cake with your favourite toppings (Peppermint Crisp bars, crushed chocolate, mini meringues, fresh berries. Then slice and serve chilled.

For a wreath
Pick up a biscuit and spread 1 tablespoon of cream onto the bottom, to cover. Place another biscuit on top and gently press to seal them together. Continue to layer the biscuits together with a tablespoon of cream in between.
It’s ok if cream spills from the sides, as the entire cake will be covered in cream.

Shape the biscuit and cream layers into a circular shape, onto the serving platter or plate you have chosen.
Use a spatula to spread the remaining cream over the top and sides of the biscuits, until completely covered. You shouldn’t be able to see any biscuits through the cream.

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