Chocolate Custard Roll Recipe

How to make Custard Buttercream

  1. In a saucepan combine 10 egg yolks with 3/4 cup sugar and vigorously whisk until smooth. Right away, whisk in 3/4 cup whole milk.

    Set over medium heat and while continuously whisking cook until thickened. The custard should coat the back of the spoon nicely (it starts to thicken at 160°F and will curdle if above 180°F). Do not bring to a boil or the mixture will curdle and become unusable (you will need to start over, if this does happen).

    Allow to completely cool to room temperature.

  2. In an electric stand mixer whip 1 1/2 cups of unsalted room temperature butter until very pale in color and drastically increased in volume, scraping the bottom of the bowl about 2-3 times throughout, about 5-7 minutes.

  3. In 2 additions, whip in the cooled egg yolk custard, minimally whipping in between.
  4. Reserve 1.5 cups of custard buttercream and set aside, this will be used to decorate the outside of the roll later.

How to make Chocolate Angel Food Cake (Egg White only Chocolate Cake)

  1. Prepare all ingredients by measuring them with a kitchen scale, this is important. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil or parchment paper.

    Preheat the oven to 350°F with the baking rack in the center.

  2. Add 240 grams of egg whites to an absolutely grease-free, thoroughly cleaned large bowl and start whipping on high until foamy, about 30 seconds.

  3. While continuing to whip slowly add 300 grams of granulated sugar, then whip for 7 minutes more. Stop whipping the meringue looks glossy, thick and balls around the whisk. Underwhipped meringue will be unstable and make the cake dense.

  4. Add 1 tbsp of vanilla extract. Then, set a fine sieve over the bowl with whipped egg whites, and add 120 grams of all-purpose flour and 40 grams of cocoa powder. Sift over the meringue.

    Now, carefully fold the sifted mixture and meringue together until almost no streaks of dry mixture appear. You do not want to overfold, as that will make the cake dense.

  5. Transfer the batter to a parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet (18in x 12 in) and spread into an even layer. Bake at 350°F, for about 10-15 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Do not open the oven to check sooner than 10 minutes, or the cake will deflate. Remove from the oven and allow to completely cool.

Assemble the Chocolate Custard Roll

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