Cake Karpatka recipe

1 : Pour 225 g of water into a saucepan, and add melted butter and salt.
2 : To 90 g of rice flour add 3 g of xanthan gum and mix.
3 : Add the dry ingredients to the water, stir, put on the stove, and heat, stirring, until the mass becomes homogeneous and shiny, and the excess water evaporates.
4 : Remove the pan and add the eggs one by one. The consistency of the dough should be such that it slowly stretches downwards when lifted, but does not flow.
5 : Put the dough in a separate container and cool.
6 : Place in an oven preheated to 80 degrees and bake for ~45 minutes. Watch your oven – the sponge cakes should be slightly browned.
Preparation of the cream
7 : Stir sweetener, vanilla, lemon juice, and corn starch in the milk.
8 : Stirring constantly, heat the milk until the mass begins to thicken. Set aside to cool, stirring occasionally.
9 : When the cream has cooled and become thick, stir in the culinary curd “Baltais” and the white chocolate dissolved in a hot water bath. Cool.

Assemble the cake

10 : I use a metal pastry ring and an acetate plate to make the cake.
11 : Place the first biscuit on the base. Wrap the acetate plate around it and fasten the edges with paper clips. Place a metal ring around the acetate plate and tighten it to fit the size of the sponge cake.
12 : Put half of the cooled cream on the sponge cake.
13 : Put a second sponge cake on top and cover it with the other half of the cream.
14 : Put the cake in the refrigerator to stabilize.
15 : The cake can be sprinkled with coconut crumbs or topped with sugar-free chocolate and milk icing, which goes well with soft-boiled milk cream.

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