Breakfast Loaf

Whisk eggs together with salt and pepper to taste. In a large skillet, heat butter over medium heat. Pour eggs into the skillet and cook until no liquid remains. Set aside.
Cut the top of the loaf off and hollow out both sides. Save the insides for breadcrumbs.


Place a layer cheddar cheese in the bottom loaf. Layer with ham, eggs and tomato, top with Monterey Jack Cheese. Replace the top lid. 

Wrap loaf tightly in foil. Bake until loaf is heated through, about 25-30 minutes. Let stand 5-10 minutes before cutting. Enjoy! 



* You can add some peppers and onions, but I would sauté them to remove some water first. I dried the tomato sliced off too. The cheese on top and bottom helps seal the bread and keeps them from getting soggy. 

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