Baked Grapefruit

  1. Slice each grapefruit in half, then cut around the membranes to loosen the sections.
  2. Sprinkle sugar on top, then add a pinch of cinnamon.
  3. Bake or broil until the sugar melts
  4. Add a pinch of Maldon salt flakes and serve.

Tips for Success

  • Cut a small section off the bottom of each grapefruit, so they sit in the baking dish without wobbling.
  • For a healthier recipe with unrefined sugar, replace the brown sugar with honey or maple syrup.
  • The longer you cook the grapefruit, the milder the flavor and the softer the fruit will become.
  • If you want a firmer texture and more assertive flavors, place the grapefruit under the broiler, so the sugar cooks faster.
Scooping fruit out of a baked grapefruit.

Grapefruit is a natural for breakfast but it also makes a great dessert. If you’re looking for a new twist on your typical dessert, try adding some baked grapefruit segments to our passion fruit ice cream.

Helpful Tools

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  • Malden salt flakes
  • Baking dish
  • Grapefruit knife

Some Other Recipes We Are Sure You Will Love:

Our grapefruit salad is sweet and savory and perfect for any meal. It has a medley of flavors and textures from mint, fennel, and pistachios. It is a great way to use grapefruit at the dinner table.

Our Roasted Beet Salad is loaded with flavor! Fat sections of sweet, juicy grapefruit, soft, creamy blue cheese chunks, and chopped Pistachio nuts add crunch and flavor to the dish.

This fruit salad includes juicy pomegranates, sweet berries, and crunchy pecans. Grapefruit would make a lovely addition to the salad, as would a variety of different citrus fruits. The salad can be made ahead of time and stored in the fridge, making it perfect for entertaining.

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