
  • I recently made this using Duncan Hines Spice Cake Mix and it was delicious. If you are looking for a stronger flavor, use this – you will love it!
  • VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: I don’t know why I have to say this, but please DO NOT USE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR! I have had a few comments that is it is too much vinegar – that’s because you don’t put apple cider vinegar in it. Trust me, it will be disgusting!!
  • Bundt pan size – The size of your bundt pan is going to matter here folks. I have made this with a 12 cup and a 10 cup. You will need to adjust the cooking times for each size, but they will all work. If you use a larger bundt pan, the cake will not look like it rose, but don’t worry, it still tastes yummy!
  • Cinnamon sugar ratios is a very personal thing (LOL). Some people like more cinnamon, others like more sugar. You do you with this. I prefer a 2:1 ratio (2 sugar to 1 cinnamon). Some others prefer even less cinnamon or some more.
    If you aren’t sure what side of the cinnamon-sugar wagon you are on, start out with less cinnamon and you can always add more!
    Whatever you choose to do, you cannot mess it up – it will be delicious either way!
  • When adding the cinnamon-sugar and butter topping, I brushed the butter onto the cake and let it set for just about a minute. You want it to be slightly wet so it holds the sugar, but not so much that it absorbs it into the cake.
    What I would say is to mix the cinnamon and sugar together after brushing the butter on the cake while you’re waiting for that perfect level of moisture. That should give it just the right amount of time. And if needed add an extra layer of sugar.

Optional Apple Cider Glaze Dip

  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup apple cider

Prepare the apple cider glaze by adding powdered sugar and the 1/4 cup apple cider to a small bowl and whisking them together until you reach your desired consistency.

Mini-Muffin Instructions:

Just follow the instructions above but instead of putting it in the bundt pan, put them in a well-greased mini-muffin pan. Fill them just short of the top of the muffin cup top. Bake at 350 for about 14 minutes. To tell if they are done insert a toothpick in the center of a muffin and if it comes out clean, they are done.

Let them cool for about 15 minutes and take a sharp knife to loosen the edges and they should easily come out. Brush the tops with melted butter and dip them (generously) in the cinnamon sugar.

GLUTEN-FREE INSTRUCTIONS (by our rockstar readers Marjorie & Sandy!)

Marjorie’s instructions: To make gluten-free, substitute Bob’s Red Mill 1 for 1 Gluten-Free flour + 3/4 teaspoon xanthan gum.

Sandy’s instructions: – Used a GF yellow cake mix (Sandy used liveGfree from Aldis.) Followed my directions with one exception – she omitted 1/4 cup water. (passed the husband test!)

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