Apple Butter Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

  1. Measure out where the middle of the cake is and cut the cake in two, this will give you 2 halves that will become 2 layers of the cake. Peel the cake off parchment paper.
  2. Put a dab of frosting onto a serving platter. Place 1 half of the cake and press to adhere. Drizzle or brush on half of the apple juice mixture onto the cake. Top with the apple butter and spread around until even layer forms. Top with the second cake layer. Brush on or drizzle the remaining apple juice mixture. Add the Cream Cheese Frosting and even it out. Refrigerate overnight.

Trim the sides

  1. Trim down all 4 sides of the cake with a sharp thin knife, revealing the layers of the cake.


  1. Pour hot heavy cream over chocolate chips. Let sit for 2 minutes. Stir until smooth. Add chocolate to a ziplock bag and snip the end. Drizzle the chocolate in a zig-zag pattern over the cake, then repeat in the opposite direction.

Cut the cake into 16 pieces

  1. by making 4 even strips down the long side of the cake, then cutting in the opposite directions into 3 even strips. This will give you 16 pieces. Refrigerate the cake until ready to serve.

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