Shrimp in a Puff Pastry Crust

Shrimp in a Puff Pastry Crust

Hello girls, ready for a crispy starter?
Hey you, ready to transform your kitchen into a festival of flavors with a starter that is as crispy as it is surprising? I am going to share with you a recipe that earned me praise at a dinner with friends. Tie your aprons, we are diving into the world of shrimp in a puff pastry crust!

The Magic Ingredients for Your Crispy Shrimp
Ready to discover the secret ingredients of this recipe that will make you the star of the evening? Let’s go!
Shrimp: 10 beautiful shrimp (the podium of the seas, if you will)
Puff pastry: 1 roll (the red carpet for our star shrimp)
Lemon: 1/2, for that zest of freshness
Extra virgin olive oil: a drizzle, like a good perfume, it finishes the dish
Salt: just enough, to enhance the taste without making waves
Sesame seeds: a pinch, for a look that is both elegant and crispy
Egg: 1, to brown our stars as they should be
A little tip between friends
Always choose quality ingredients, especially for shrimp and puff pastry. This is the guarantee of a result that lives up to your expectations. And now, to your aprons!

An unforgettable evening thanks to this recipe!

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