Bavarian Beer Roasted Pork with Sweet Potatoes and Parsnip

For this recipe, you need a well sized piece of pork shoulder, smaller pieces tend to dry out, it can be boned or on the bone. I have made this recipe with both. The rind has to be scored in a pattern (as you can see in the pictures). You can ask your butcher to do this or cut the pattern yourself with a sharp knife, just mind that you don’t cut into the meat!

For 4-6 people you need

pork, shoulder piece, boned, scored, 1500g / 3.5 pounds (if you use a piece of pork with the bone leave it in the oven for 1 – 1 1/2h after you poured over the beer)

cloves, ground in a mortar, 10


beer 500ml / 1 pint

medium onions, quartered, 3

sweet potatoes, scrubbed, cut into cubes, 2

parsnips, scrubbed, cut into cubes, 3

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