Bed bugs, the place where they like to hide: no one ever checks it

Bed bugs are ectoparasitic insects that can easily infest the bedroom: how to prevent it.

Cleanliness of environments is an essential aspect when living in a place, regardless of whether it is your home or workplace. You can never fail to carry out some fundamental actions, such as cleaning and sanitizing every corner of the apartment in such a way as to live and work in a healthy environment and not run the risk of encountering infestations of various types.

Attention that must be particularly marked in the room where you sleep, i.e. the bedroom. A warning that applies not only to private homes: it is certainly no coincidence that the quality of an accommodation facility is based above all on the complete cleanliness of the beds , which must always be comfortable, hygienic and safe for each guest.
Bed bugs: what they are and where they hide

But what are the biggest dangers for beds? Certainly the main concern is that relating to bed bugs, which create big headaches like cockroaches and other insects. But what exactly are bed bugs?

These are essentially ectoparasites , which can find a โ€˜homeโ€™ in domestic and wild animals but in some cases also in humans. The bedbug, easily recognizable by its brown to red color, mainly settles in cracks : therefore it is easy to spot bedbugs in door rulers , but also in furniture , electrical sockets and many other places. Since they are very small, bedbugs can infest the bedroom with great ease, very quickly becoming a serious problem to solve.

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